
Baptism is the sacrament that marks the beginning of the entire Christian life, and is the first of the sacraments of initiation. In Baptism we are freed from sin and become sons and daughters of God. We receive the very life of God, become part of the Body of Christ, become members of the Church, and are called to share in its mission (Compendium to the Catechism of the Catholic Church).
The Catholic Church baptizes at any age, infants through adults, though the requirements vary based on the age of the person to be baptized. For baptism requirements or to schedule a baptism, contact Annabelle Bina at (816) 648-2813 or email,
Holy Communion
The sacrament of the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, is celebrated at Mass every day at St. Patrick. Practicing Catholics who are prepared to receive Holy Communion are welcome and encouraged to receive the sacrament as often as they can.
Anyone age seven or older can prepare to receive first Holy Communion. Usually this takes place during second grade, and requirements may vary based on the age of the communicant. For more information on preparing to receive the Eucharist, contact Annabelle Bina at (816) 648-2813 or email,
Reconciliation or Confession is a sacrament of healing by which we are forgiven for our sins when we confess them to the priest, who stands in the person of Christ the head. View our regular Confession times and join us.
Anyone age seven or older can prepare for first Reconciliation (in conjunction with first Holy Communion). Usually this takes place during second grade. For more information on preparing to receive Reconciliation, contact Annabelle Bina at (816) 648-2813 or email,
The sacrament of Confirmation completes our initiation into the Catholic Church and offers us fullness of life in the Holy Spirit, with all the gifts and fruits He desires to provide.
In the Archdiocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, the age for receiving the sacrament of Confirmation for children is in the 6th grade, or around 11 years old. For more information on preparing to be confirmed, contact Annabelle Bina at (816) 648-2813 or email,
The sacrament of Matrimony, or Marriage, forges a lifelong union between the souls of one man and one woman that is intended to image the loving, life-giving communion of the Holy Trinity. It is a beautiful and sacred gift that is entered into joyfully but not lightly.
To be married at St. Patrick Catholic Church, one or both persons of the engaged couple should be a practicing Catholic and a registered parishioner (or have parents or immediate family who are registered) for six months or longer. Both the bride and the groom need to be free to marry in the Catholic Church. Marriage preparation begins at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date and must be completed at least three months prior to your wedding date. For more information , contact Annabelle Bina at (816) 648-2813 or email,
Anointing of the Sick
Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of healing available to anyone facing serious surgery, serious illness or death, providing spiritual and sometimes physical healing. Please contact the parish office at (816) 453-0971 to request an anointing.
Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament by which God, through the Church, ordains deacons, priests, and bishops to serve the Kingdom of God here on earth. If you think you may be called to the priesthood, the diaconate, or religious life, please talk with Fr. Mathew Brumleve and visit the archdiocesan vocations website

Get in Touch
Annabelle Bina
DRE and Sacramental Prep
St. Patrick Catholic Church
(816) 648-2813