Our Parent Surveys last year indicated that our parents are looking for ways they can help their children be successful in this ever changing world. This year, we are starting a new and exciting program called Parent University!
Parent University is a FREE professional learning opportunity for our school families led by Jodie Maddox. Jodie Maddox is an educational consultant and parent coach who focuses on giving parents tools to guide their unique child through the challenges of life. Parent University runs for five weeks on Thursday nights at 6:30pm via Zoom, so you can log in from anywhere!
We've just finished up our first full week of the 2023-2024 school year, and we're definitely feeling it! The temperatures have been extreme, which means there's no outside recess. What I've figured out this week, however, is that the sweltering temperatures affect more than just recess -- they affect everything! It's easy to get bogged down in the heat of things - literally. The extreme temperatures don't necessarily bring out the best in us, or our students. We're hot, we're sweaty, we're tired. Not a great trio when you're dealing with education. Regardless of the grumpiness, the tiredness, the downright already tired of this whole back to school thing - ness, I choose JOY! When one of my sweet kindergarteners hopped out of his vehicle this morning NOT teary eyed for the first time this week - I felt JOY in my heart! When one of my brand new first graders came walking up to me with a new hairdo and a HUGE smile - I felt JOY in my soul! When one of my fifth grade boys came to school holding his head perfectly still and intended to stay that way until his picture time - I felt JOY deep down inside! (Fortunately, his class was the first in line for pictures, so he didn't have to hold his head still too long!) When I walked into the gym where my seventh graders were preparing for PE and heard, "Hey Ms. Monaghan!" - I felt JOY in my mind! Father Matthew reminded our students this week, that it really isn't that hard to find JOY if you just start looking for it. The nice thing is that it doesn't cost any money, it doesn't exist only on vacation, and it doesn't require anything else to find. Joy is found in the simple things that make you smile, the little things that make your whole body relax. I hope you will find something that brings you JOY this weekend, and whatever it is - I hope you get to spend a little extra time seeing it, doing it, or experiencing it! Our Auction T-Shirts come in 4 different colors and in adult AND youth sizes! Our students can wear these on Spirit Days and on special dress down days we'll have in September and October! The online store is open through Sept. 10, so order your t-shirt today!
Today, our school mass was led by our 8th and 4th grade students. Father Matthew talked to us about how easy it is to find joy if you just start looking for it! He reminded us to be Joyfully Catholic this year, so that the people around us will be filled with joy, too! Teaching our students to love themselves is so important! I love this project that our 2nd graders did to kick off the new year! Shout out to Mrs. Hamilton for such a meaningful display!
March 2024
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